Our Weight Management programs include provider consultation, on-going support, and medication.

No Hidden Fees - No insurance Needed.


Semaglutide (generic for Ozempic & Wegovy) Monthly Membership starting at $329 per month

Tirzepatide (generic for Mounjaro) Starting at $499 per month + shipping

Lipo-Mino – once weekly injection – Bend OR office location only
$30 per injection for patients on a weight loss program
$35 per injection for those not on a weight loss program

We are licensed to treat patients in Oregon & Washington.

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Medications & Lipotropic Injectables

Currently we have no shortages with any of our medications

Currently, 1 in 3 adults are considered obese in the U.S. Studies show that 80% of American adults do not meet physical activity recommendations and over 45% of adults are not sufficiently active to achieve health benefits. Middle-aged adults and seniors have the highest obesity percentages of age groups in the U.S. as well.

Our weight management options are designed to help individuals reach their unique weight loss goals. To complement a healthy diet and exercise, we use a combination of medications to achieve optimal weight loss results. This protocol can boost metabolism and help patients lose fat without feeling hungry.

Positive Effects of Weight-loss

The most telling sign of weight loss is a thinner body, but there are so many important changes you can’t see on the surface including: Reduced blood pressure, Decreased indigestion & heartburn, Reduced knee pain, Decreased insulin resistance and diabetes risk, Enhanced sexual function, Improved sleep, More energy, Self-esteem booster, and Better mental clarity.

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Read More About Medications Below

How it Works

Fill out
Medical Forms
Meet or Chat
with Provider
Feeling Better

What our Patients Say