Thyroid and DHEA

Other Necessary Hormones for Males

At Verve Health, our personalized protocols use an innovative approach, often optimizing multiple hormones including testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid. Options to optimize include: Testosterone Transdermal Cream, Testosterone Injections (IM or SQ), Natural Desiccated Thyroid, DHEA, Melatonin Micronized Sustained-Release (SR), and Vitamin D3 (micronized)

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Thyroid supplementation has been shown to be very beneficial in tandem with Testosterone to boost one's vitality, reduce fatigue, lose excess weight, improve mental clarity, help with sleep and help with mood. With our office's recommended labs, you get a full picture of your current hormone levels and are able to get to the optimal level. Each person is unique and here at Verve Health, everyone is treated as an individual.
See our resource page to learn more.


Help your body find its slow its aging process and improve wellbeing. DHEA is recommended for people over age 40 who wants to decrease cardiovascular risk, improve erectile dysfunction, enhance immune response by activating T-cells, or improve health and wellness.
See our resource page to learn more.

Other Options

With your free initial consult, your provider will evaluate your options and recommend treatments to get you feeling your best.

Simple administation route

Daily Tablets

Provider and Lab Monitored Progress